Saturday, November 28, 2015

   আনন্দবাজার জেলা 

উত্তর ও দক্ষিণ ২৪ পরগনা

দেশি ধানের ফলনে খুশি চাষিরা
শান্তশ্রী মজুমদার
সাগর, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫, ০১:১৯:১৯
উচ্চফলনশীল ধানচাষের দাপটে হারিয়ে গিয়েছিল অনেক দেশি ধানের বীজ, সেই সব পুরনো প্রজাতির ধান আবার ফিরে আসছে। জমিতে জৈব সার প্রয়োগ করে দেশি ধানের চাষে লাভের মুখও দেখতে পাচ্ছেন‌ কৃষকরা। সাগর দ্বীপের বিভিন্ন এলাকায় এখন জনপ্রিয় হয়ে উঠছে কেরালাসুন্দরী, ভালুকী, কালাভাতের মতো প্রজাতির ধান চাষ। তবে ব্যবসায়িক ভিত্তিতে এই ধান চাষ এখনও শুরু করা যায়নি।
গঙ্গাসাগরের চাষি গোপাল গিরি তাঁর দেড় বিঘে জমিতে এবার ‘বহুরূপী’ ধানের চাষ করেছেন। তাঁর কথায়, ‘‘কোনও রকম সার ছাড়াই ফলন খুবই ভাল হয়েছে। ধান বুনতে খরচ কমেছে।’’ কৃষকরা জানিয়েছেন, এখন দেশি প্রজাতির ধান বিঘে প্রতি বুনতে খরচ পড়ছে প্রায় সাড়ে তিন হাজার টাকা। উচ্চফলনশীল ধানের চেয়েও বিঘে প্রতি বেশি ধান পেয়েছেন কোনও কোনও কৃষক। গঙ্গাসাগর-লাগোয়া সুমতিনগর, ধ্বসপাড়া, মৃত্যুঞ্জয়নগরের মতো এলাকাগুলিতেও দেশি প্রজাতির আমন চাষ  বেড়েছে।
সুমতিনগর গ্রামের চাষি কমলাকান্ত মন্ডলের কথায়, ‘‘উচ্চফলনশীল ধান চাষে যেখানে ১ বিঘে জমিতে বুনতে ৬/৭ কিলো বীজ প্রয়োজন হত, দেশীয় বীজ প্রায় ১ কিলোতেই কাজ হচ্ছে। সঙ্গে শ্রমিকের খরচ এবং সার, কীটনাশকের খরচও কমেছে।’’ কমলাকান্তবাবু গত কয়েক বছর থেকে খইল এবং গোবর সার প্রয়োগ করে দেশি ধান চাষ করছেন। এবার তাঁর ২২ বিঘে জমিতেই গেলিগেটি, মৎস্যকণ্ঠা এবং ভালুকী ধানের চাষ করেছেন। ফলনও ভাল হয়েছে বলে তাঁর দাবি।
পাশেই মৃত্যুঞ্জয়নগরের প্রাক্তন শিক্ষকও নিজের জমিতে বরুরূপীর চাষ করেছিলেন। তাঁর কথায়, ‘‘ভাল মানের চাল স্বাস্থ্যকর। রাসায়নিক সার না দিয়ে, গত কয়েক বছরে জৈব সার প্রয়োগ করেই চাষ করছি।’’ দেশি ধানের মধ্যে কেরালাসুন্দরীর মতো কয়েকটি প্রজাতি  নোনা জলের সংস্পর্শে এসেও টিকে থাকছে, দাবি করছেন কৃষকেরা। তাই সাগরের বিভিন্ন এলাকায় এর চাষ বাড়ছে।
এলাকায় বেশ কিছু স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সংস্থা দেশি ধান চাষের প্রচলন বাড়ানোর চেষ্টা করছে। এ রকম এক সংস্থার কর্তা হিমাংশু মণ্ডলের সঙ্গে কথা বলে জানা গেল, তাঁরা নদিয়ায় কৃষি প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্র এবং বিধানচন্দ্র কৃষি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে নানা প্রজাতির দেশি ধান সংগ্রহ করে নিয়ে আসছেন। তার থেকে বীজ তৈরি করে তা কৃষকদের মধ্যে বিলি করছেন। হিমাংশুবাবুর কথায়, ‘‘দুই-তিন দশকে ক্রমাগত প্রচুর সার এবং কীটনাশক দিয়ে জমির উর্বরতা কমে যাচ্ছে। তাই ২০১২ সাল থেকে আমরা সাগরে এই দেশি প্রজাতির ধান কৃষকদের মধ্যে চাষের প্রবণতা বাড়ানোর চেষ্টা করলাম। প্রায় পাঁচটি গ্রাম পঞ্চায়েত এলাকায় এখন প্রচুর কৃষক এই ধানগুলির চাষ শুরু করেছেন।’’
দেশি বীজ নিয়ে পরীক্ষানিরীক্ষা করছেন অবসরপ্রাপ্ত প্রাণীবিদ্‌দের একটি গোষ্ঠী। সাগরদ্বীপের আদি বাসিন্দা অমলেশ মিশ্র জানালেন, ফুলবাড়িতে তাঁরা অন্তত ১০০ প্রজাতির দেশি ধান নিয়ে কাজ করছেন। তাঁর দাবি, ৩০০ কৃষকের মধ্যে সচেতনতা তৈরি করা গিয়েছে। বোটখালিতে কিছু জায়গায় নোনাজল সইতে পারে, এ রকম ‘মালাবতী’ এবং এক জাতের ‘দুধের সর’ ধান নিয়ে পরীক্ষা করছেন তাঁরা।
তবে এ রকম ধানের চাষ কেবলমাত্র কৃষকের নিজের পরিবারের সারা বছর খাওয়ার জন্য, বা অল্প কিছু বাড়তি ধান হলে তা বিক্রির জন্যই কাজে লাগছে। স্বাস্থ্যকর এই সব দেশি ধান থেকে উৎপাদিত চালের বাজার তৈরি করার ক্ষেত্রে সরকারি উদ্যোগ আরও বেশি প্রয়োজন বলে মনে করছেন কৃষকরা। দেশি ধানের চাষ ধীরে ধীরে লাভজনক হলেও, তা সাগর ব্লকের কৃষি আধিকারিকদের নজরে আসছে না বলে আক্ষেপ চাষিদের।
বিঘে প্রতি ধানের ফলন বেশি হলে তা কৃষি দপ্তরের বাৎসরিক রিপোর্টে স্থান পায়। কিন্তু দেশি প্রজাতির ধানের চাষের এসব নমুনা গত কয়েক বছরে সাগরে সংগ্রহ করা হচ্ছে না বলে অভিযোগ। এ ব্যাপারে ব্লকের কৃষি অধিকর্তার বিবেকানন্দ বাগের দাবি, ‘‘ওরা কেরালাসুন্দরী বলে যেটা দাবি করছে, তা কৃষি দফতরের তালিকায় নেই। তাই বিঘে প্রতি ১৬-১৭ মন করে ফলন হলেও সেগুলি সরকারি তালিকায় স্থান পাওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে কিছু বিধিনিয়মের সমস্যা রয়ে যাচ্ছে।’’
আইলার পর থেকেই সাগরে এরকম নানা রকমের ধান চাষ নিয়ে পরীক্ষা-নিরীক্ষা শুরু হয়েছিল। এ বছর থেকেই রাষ্ট্রীয় কৃষি বিকাশ যোজনায় দেশি ধান উৎপাদনের সরকারি প্রকল্পও হাতে নেওয়া হয়েছে। কৃষি প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্রের যুগ্ম অধিকর্তা অনুপম মন্ডল বলেন, ‘‘আগে কৃষক দেশি চাল উৎপাদন ও খাওয়া অভ্যাস করলে তা ধীর ধীরে বাজারে আসবে। দেশি ধান মানেই যে কম ফলন, এই ধারণা থেকে বের হওয়া বেশি জরুরি।

** নামের পদবী ভূল আছে -অনুপম মন্ডলের জায়গায় অনুপম পাল হবে।


Monday, November 23, 2015

ATC Fulia , Nadia in its Folk Rice Conservation Centre ( Bio Diversity Conservation Farm, Govt of West Bengal, India ) has transplanted 320 folk rice varieties with floating azolla in 2015. Fifteen days old seedlings were transplanted by following  SSP ( Single Seedling Planting)  method. Transplanting started during  the first week of July and continued up to first week of August. 20 days after transplanting  azolla was sprinkled over the field having 1-2 inch of water. Azolla covers the entire field in 7 days time, it suppressed  the growth of the associated plants  and provided N and organic matter. Except azolla no organic matter was added and it gives profuse growth, tillering, grain and straw yield. Some of the pictures are --

                                     Transplanting                                       Initial stage  
                                              The Field                                     Initial Stage 1

Profuse Tillering 
                                                                    Tillers with Azolla

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

If my Bengali friends are interested in my Bengali book reviewed by Dr Kalyan Rudra in the Bengali daily EI SAMOY on 25th Oct 2015।

প্রকাশক -   নয়া উদ্যোগ , ২০৬ বিধান সরণী, শ্রীমানি মার্কেটে- ২য় তল, কল-৬, ফোন-২২৪১৩৫৪০

Thursday, October 1, 2015

 Pl see the amazing beauty of organic farming and folk rice conservation at ATC Fulia, Nadia

Sunday, September 27, 2015

বাংলাদেশের টাঙ্গাইলে জৈব কৃষি

জৈব কৃষি -টাঙ্গাইলের বাসাবাইদের তালতলিয়া গ্রামের আবু সাত্তার হিরু । বহু বছর ধরে জৈব কৃষিই করছেন। বিভিন্ন রকমের ফসলের চাষ করছেন। তিনি বহু কৃষকের কাছে প্রেরণা ...

Sunday, September 6, 2015

 Mr Sudita Mukherjee, Mr Rupak Pal, Mr Tipu Mandal, Dr Sudeb Saha , Mr Chinmoy Roy and others of Raigunj felt the need of conserving folk rice in 2012 for our future food security. They started with 5 folk rice varieties in a village called Bhattadighi. They took folk rice varieties from ATC Fulia in 2013 and 2014 and 2015. Now they have a coverage of 35 bighas( I bigha is equal to 1/ 7.5 of ha) of land in Uttardinajpur with 43 varieties and 20 bighas in Dakhhin Dinajpur. It is an amazing progress, farmers are beginning to accept the near - extinct folk rice due to low cost of production with substantial yield. It is totally organic in nature and they have been able to cover Dakhhin Dinajpur with 20 bighas of folk rice. They formed FIAM- Forum For Indigenous Agriculture Movement. Mr Tipu Mandal of FIAM explains in Bengali.

                                    Pl watch the video in Bangla in you tube.


Friday, September 4, 2015

             Agricultural Training Centre, Fulia, Nadia , West Bengal has got a scheme under RKVY( Rastriya    Krishi Bikash Yojona- National Agricultural Development Programme) through the Department of Agriculture, West Bengal for promotion of folk rice collection, conservation, demonstration, training and organic input supply to the farmers who have taken folk rice seeds from the centre and conserving( growing ) the crops. 
         The scheme will cover 11 districts , one block in each district total of  330 bighas( 1/ 7.5 ha)  of folk rice under the scheme in Kharif 2015. 
           Its a maiden venture  from the centre and its is the first of its kind in India in recent times.
          The center has started along with my two colleagues conducting training in 3 North Bengal districts      like Uttar Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri and Coocbihar from 19th August to 21 Aug 2015. The farmers were very much encouraged to continue the folk crops.
                                                        Some Pictures of Raigunj

                                                                  S K Roy  DDA Raigunj
                                                          ADA, ATC Fulia  S Bandopadhya
                                                        N K Das DDA ATC Fulia
                                                                 Anupam Paul

                                                      Sujit  Pal,  DDA- Jalpaiguri
                                                           T Kundu , DDA/ Jalpaiguri

                                                                A Paul Speaking 
                                                 Cover of writing pad - Showing Rice is Life
                                                     Mr  Rajat Chatterjee ADA Coochbihar
                                                            Displaying of folk rice seeds
                                                           S Roy, Joint DA, Raigunj
                                                               The Audience of Coochbihar

Sunday, August 2, 2015

   Agricultural Training Centre, Fulia, Nadia, West Bengal, India has stopped applying organic matter in its Folk rice Conservation centre since 2013 and  floating Azolla was in use instead  as a source of organic matter.This year , we would like to stop using azolla in some fields . It gives profuse growth leading to less grain yield. Azolla is a low cost living organic matter - a floating fern fixes more than 50 kg of N per ha and its body becomes organic matter in the  rice fields.

 Pl see the article written by Dr Rina Mukherjee of ECO Earth Care Optimized, Vol 4, Issue 04, January 2015, New Delhi.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Rice did originate in India, not in China.
Indian scientists' new DNA chip for speeding up rice breeding
Pallava Bagla

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Cancer-fighter rice, grown in Bengal

Source: Times of India (Kolkata Edition)

It was collected by me from an Organization called Sambhab, Odisha in 2008. Initially it was not accepted by the farmers because of its black color, It is scented glutinous rice. There  are many black rice varieties in China and India as well. Chakhao, Burma Black are the examples of black rice.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

                                             Goodness of the unpolished
                                  Aparna Pallavi, Down to Earth 16-31, 2015


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Science Monitor | 02.05.15

iframe width 480 height 270 src PLVOgwA_DiGzpd3_Iz7J-81Vh4QqU-ZGA9 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>

You would find a small portion of Folk Rice Conservation Work of ATC Fulia, Nadia
It was not fully projected our activities and most of the videos were posted from out side.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Coming of Age: the Organic Community of India
                                                     Bharat Mansata

The largest organic farming confluence in the world – over 2,500 participants from 22 states of India – gathered at the National Organic Convention in Chandigarh from Feb 28 to March 2, 2015. The flood of registrations had to be stopped a month in advance. Such zeal surely signals the growing recognition of agro-ecology as a burning imperative of our times, reflecting the Convention aim to ‘Mainstream Organic Farming!’  

At the concluding session, Shri Prakash Singh Badal, Chief Minister of the frontline state of India’s ‘Green Revolution’, ironically hailed organic agriculture as “the need of the hour,” marking the full turn of a circle. He mourned the heavy burden of chemical poisons that the land, farmers and people of Punjab have had to bear, admitting sadly that “Mother Earth, Father Water, and Guru Air” have all been desecrated. Toxic pesticides have devastated the health of Punjab. “You people,” said Badal – addressing a packed auditorium of organic farmers, seed savers, ecologists, scientists and activists – “are the heroes of this new struggle to save the nation!”

The CM called for making Punjab the leading organic farming state of India, with diversification in place of present extensive monocultures. Announcing a 50% state subsidy for rearing indigenous cattle breeds, he also offered to provide retail/distribution shops and facilities for selling organic produce. Declaring the setting up of an Organic Farming Board, he promised panchayati land to set up a demonstration organic farm in every block of the State.

Earlier, at the Convention, Shri Manohar Lal Khattar, Chief Minister of Haryana, accompanied by his Agriculture Minister, pledged state support to turn at least 10% of its total cultivable land to organic farming.  Smt Maneka Gandhi, Union Minister of Women and Child Welfare, rang out a grim warning against the highly dangerous neo-nicotinoid pesticides (used for treating Bt Cotton seeds) that were slaughtering the pollinating creatures like bees, an estimated 70% of which have already been wiped out. This would severely harm agriculture, unless banned, as in the European Union. “The owners of Bt cotton lied to us,” declared the Minister. “They told us that it doesn’t require pesticides… but now, we find that Bt cotton cannot grow without the most dangerous pesticides in the world.”

A few years ago, the beacon IAASTD World Agriculture Report bluntly stated: “Business as usual is not an option!” Prepared over 4 years by 400 international agricultural scientists/experts and 1,000 multi-disciplinary reviewers, this Report was endorsed by 58 nations, including India, as also representatives of FAO, World Bank, World Health Organization, UNEP, UNDP. Its recommendations stressed the urgency to adopt bio-diverse agro-ecological farming, and to support small family farms – to overcome the many serious problems confronting world agriculture. GM crops, it added, are not an answer to hunger, poverty and climate change, or to ecological, energy and economic challenges.

A riot of colours, costumes, cultures and cuisines greeted visitors at the ‘Nature and Kisan Mela’ and its ‘Organic Food Festival’ and ‘Biodiversity Festival’ that continued alongside the deliberations of the National Organic Convention. The Organic Food Festival, with ethnic organic fare from several Indian states, was a big hit. The Biodiversity Festival presented a dazzling display of over 2,000 distinct seed varieties of crops, brought by 270 seed conservator-farmers from all over India. Half a dozen new publications were released. Several book stalls, film screenings and cultural programmes of song, music and dance enhanced the charm of the memorable Organic Mela, dampened a bit midway by rain and wind.

The Convention was jointly organized by the Organic Farming Association of India (OFAI), Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA), and Kheti Virasat Mission, in collaboration with the local host organization, the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR). The deliberations were bilingual, with communications in Hindi translated into English for the participants from the south, and vice versa. Parallel translations into other regional languages – for those who understood neither Hindi nor English – were self-organised by the various state delegations.

The National Organic Convention simultaneously hosted meetings of the Bharat Beej Swaraj Manch (India Seed Sovereignty Alliance). This pledged to regenerate and widely share the enormously rich diversity of traditional crops and crop varieties in India as a collective open-source heritage belonging to all, free of any private/corporate Intellectual Property Rights. The Alliance also sought to reclaim the many thousands of native crop varieties collected from farmers all over India by national and international germplasm banks. It was suggested that every farmer or family should adopt at least one crop variety for decentralized on-farm seed conservation and open-source propagation.

In sharp contrast, Mr Swapan Dutta, Dy Director General, ICAR, declared a few years ago in an interview to the Wall Street Journal, that India had over 4,00,000 varieties of plant germplasm (both cultivated and uncultivated). These included crops with unique features like nutritional/medicinal qualities, drought tolerance, flood tolerance, salinity tolerance, and pest resistance, all of which it was willing to offer corporates for a small share of profits!

GM crops were categorically rejected as an unnecessary technology with numerous potential hazards. The serious contamination risk by recently sanctioned open field trials of GM crops – disregarding the recommendations of several Government, Parliament and Supreme Court appointed Committees – was warned. 

Also part of the National Organic Convention was a scientific conference organized by the Society of Agro-Ecology, and the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture. This saw scientists from prime research institutions discussing with farmers and farmer-scientists their observations and research on soil health, plant nutrition, plant protection, water management, and Iivestock development, especially indigenous breeds.  
With so many outstanding farmers around, and multiple parallel sessions on offer, participants felt they could barely whet their appetite. But they carried back a collective energy and renewed confidence, knowing they had a growing fellow community of organic pilgrims and path-finders they could call upon when needed.

Missing the vibrant presence of veterans like Nammalwar, who passed away last year, and of ailing Bhaskar Save, who completed 93 years in January 2015, the 5th National Biennial Organic Convention paid tribute to these towering, dedicated stalwarts, noting that they have inspired innumerable others on the natural, organic path. Tribute was also paid to Sir Albert Howard, considered ‘the father of sustainable agriculture’ in the west, who confessed more than a century ago that he learnt it all from humble peasants in India.

In 2016, the international community will return to draw fresh inspiration from India. It was announced that the ‘International Organic Farming Convention’ organized by the ‘International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements’ (IFOAM) will be held that year in India.

The final 16 point declaration from the convention pledged to safeguard and regenerate our soil, water, forests, biodiversity and seed sovereignty; and to work towards mainstreaming ecological farming in the country as “the only way forward for meeting the nutritional, livelihood, socio-cultural and spiritual needs of our people, including those of future generations.” 

The Convention further declared that land under food cultivation must not be diverted for other purposes through forced land acquisition.

PM Narendra Modi called for the North-eastern and hilly states to become an organic hub. But ‘achhe din’ (good organic days) must include all of India! What we need to ‘Make in India’ is an agro-ecological paradise that gratifies all basic biological, aesthetic and spiritual needs, not a global factory for a growing array of resource-hogging and pollution-spewing, non-essential industrial and consumerist goods. 

The overarching eco-spiritual tradition of this land is the unity of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – the earth is one family in one home. Mother Earth, the only known cosmic body with a living biosphere, must not now become a spew-chamber of chemical-industrial toxins, her inner vitals vandalized for short-sighted economic growth. The organic community is waking to the enormous challenges ahead.    

PS: Given below is the Declaration of the National Organic Convention, Chandigarh, 2-3-15

March 2, 2015
Declaration of the Organic Farmers community of India at the 5th National Organic Farmers’ Convention, 2015, Chandigarh, India
The organic farming community of this country, represented in strength by over 2500 participants at this fifth National Organic Farming Convention, pledges to carry forward with renewed strength our endeavour to mainstream agro-ecological farming practices across the country. The gathering, comprising practicing farmers, including women, tribal and adivasi people, seed savers, ecologists, scientists, non-governmental and community organizations, is supported in this effort by the international organic farming community spread across 130 countries and represented by IFOAM, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.
We reiterate our conviction that agro-ecological farming practices are the only way forward for meeting the nutritional, livelihood, socio-cultural and spiritual needs of our people, including those of future generations. This conviction is strengthened by the experiences of our farmer friends in Punjab and Haryana who have paid a high price and sacrificed their environment and the health of their people. We pledge to stand by them in their journey to recovery and restoration.
We, the participants representing the organic farming community of India, declare:
1.       Organic farming practices CAN meet all the food and nutritional needs of our nation, and it is the only sustainable way to safeguard the food security of present and future generations. The growing number of organic farmers and rising demand for organic produce is evidence of its rapid spread. 
2.      The IAASTD World Agriculture Report, authored by 400 international experts, including UN representatives, and endorsed by 58 nations, including India, recommends agro-ecological practices and small family farms, suitably adapted to local needs and conditions. It adds that GM crops are no solution to hunger, poverty, climate change as well as ecological, energy and economic challenges.
3.      We categorically reject Genetically Modified Organisms as an unnecessary technology with numerous potential hazards. It is also an example of bad science. We also object to open field trials of GM crops, since they pose a threat to our food, farming and environment, while blatantly disregarding recommendations of several Government, Parliament and Supreme Court appointed committees.
4.      We pledge to safeguard the integrity of our eco-systems and work towards the conservation, protection and re-generation of soil health, water resources, forests, biodiversity and seed sovereignty.
5.      Land, water and other natural resources must be prioritized for sustainably meeting basic needs and nutritional security. Land under food cultivation must not be allowed to be diverted for other purposes through forced land acquisition. Similarly, water resources for irrigation must be directed to essential food needs rather than water guzzling monocultures of sugarcane or other industrial non-priority uses.
6.      Forest habitats and traditional access rights of forest dependent communities must not be undermined, as uncultivated forest foods and medicinal plants have played a critical role in the lives of those residing in the country’s tribal forested regions.
7.      The current form of chemical agriculture is completely dependent on steadily depleting resources and leaves farmers vulnerable to foreign/corporate dependence. This must not and cannot continue.
8.      All agri-chemicals should be progressively phased out; and the money thus saved used to propagate and support ecologically safe food growing practices. Suitable budgetary allocations must be made for mainstreaming agro-ecological practices.
9.      The educational curriculum and calendar in rural India needs to be sensitive to local agricultural practices, needs and rhythms. A land-based pedagogy must become an integral part of education in rural India, with suitable adaptations for urban India.
10.   Agriculture departments and universities need to reorient their attention to agro-ecological systems and practices, including reviewing their curricula, evaluating hidden costs of technologies they recommend, and aligning research activity to the needs and challenges of the local community.
11.  The role of women, the mainstay of a self-reliant agricultural system in India, needs to be recognized, acknowledged and supported, in terms of land rights as well as support from the government.
12.   The Organic Farming Community appreciates the Haryana government’s efforts to revive indigenous breeds of cattle. Since this is crucial in facilitating self-reliant agriculture, we seek such policy initiatives from other state governments as well as the central government.
13.   The public distribution system must source food from the local/ bio-regional neighbourhood in which it is consumed. The convention suggests a grid of several localized markets as one of the ways forward.
14.   We demand better marketing support from government agencies so that the organic producers have assured demand and fair prices for their produce.
15.   Govt schemes such as MGNREGS, NRLM and SLRM should support agro-ecological practices as they supplement economic needs of farming families, landless labourers as well as people in distress. 
16.   India has a great wealth of crop diversity with unique features like nutritional/medicinal qualities, drought tolerance, salinity tolerance, pest resistance, and flood tolerance. This diversity has been conserved and shared by farmers as an open source collective heritage belonging to all. The concept of private property rights over such traditional heritage is alien and unethical in this land.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Bengali Report of the Organic  Seed Production Workshop Held at ATC Fulia- 20-22 Nov 2014 .
It was published in the KALODHANAI , a Bengali magazine on social and economic problems. 
Dr Prasanta Chatopadhay is the editor .
See the JPEG file of the report .

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Keeper of Bengal’s rice legacy