Sunday, July 20, 2014

The bold seeded folk rice Kerala Sundari, a selection from Purulia district of West Bengal and Bahurupi are good yielders, ranging from 5-6 ton per ha with organic matter only. It is being accepted by the farmers of West Bengal.Except the districts of North Bengal , all the south Bengal districts are aware of it.Farmers are  procuring seeds from  the neighbouring farmers. Seeds can be continued more than 100 years. Agricultural Training Centre , Fulia has been promoting this variety for the last 11 years.

    Please watch video on Folk rice Kerala Sundari and Bahurupi                                           


India has still vast treasure of biological resources. Crops are the major constituents and these are fast vanishing from the farmers' fields due to massive propaganda for external input based agriculture. Initial euphoria of high yield at the cost of the environment was there but it is now fading with a colossal loss of our own crop varieties.We have not taken the stock of own resources. Seed mapping is means of knowing what we had and we have now. Paschim Sridhar Kathai Sangha of Sundarban of West Bengal ,India has taken up the first such programme in West Bengal.It was held on 17th April in Jogeshjung , one of the remotest riverine belts of Sundarban. People from different districts have come to this place and actively participated in the programme.

Please watch video on Seed mapping                                 

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